Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The Pathetic Face

Ms. Kaylinn has to go to the vet today. She is making this weird sound when she sniffs or breathes really hard. The interesting thing is she isn't acting like it bothers her at all. I mean I realize there is a whole evolutionary process that leads to animals not acting like they are sick even when they are so that in the way past they didn't get picked off by attacking predators, but she is pretty good at the pathetic face when it's just Sandor, me and her. Take for instance Saturday after the dog park when we took her to get a bath - you would have thought we were spraying her with acid water...

She does look awfully pathetic when she is not so fluffy too, so that may add to it :) By the way, I have no idea why she likes to stand up while I'm spraying her. She does this often. I think the thinks she is somehow going to be able to climb up the wall. One thing I've never understood is why to dogs act like a bath is so horrible. You are in essence getting a whole body massage in warm water. Especially a specific pup who loves the water so much that no matter what the temperature is when you go to the dog park she is off to play in the pond within 20 minutes. Anyway, a few more minutes of work and then off to the vet for me!

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