Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Chocolate Test

There have been a few, albeit, far between notes that I'm about out of the woods on this sickness thing. First, I could actually lay on the couch without falling asleep for the entire day - I know amazing! When it reached 3:00 and I was still feeling good (aside from the random hacking up a lung attacks), I decided that the pupster deserved a well earned reward for being such a good companion and cuddling with a feverish, infected mom for hours on end. So I took her to the dog park, where I determined I could infect few humans being that it was outside and there were all sorts of germs where mine could get lost in the crowd. At the end of Kaylinn playing in the dog park I realized she desperately needed a bath. So, off to the dog bath store I go (I realize some of you may think it's absurd to pay $10 to bath your own dog, but you clearly have not tried to bathe your dog in a tub very often. Lifted tubs, spray handle showers, and they give you the shampoo, conditioner, towel and a dog treat to boot). Anyway, I dropped the clean pup off at home with Sandor who had just gotten home from work and was very happy to see me somewhere other than the couch or the bed, and headed to the grocery store.

Second sign - I vaugely noticed smells. I'm pretty sure that I could smell mangos, and I also think I definitely smelled cheese. While grabbing the items my mom instructed me to start my stomach off on having been food free for 3 days (bananas, rice, and applesauce in case you were wondering), I also determined that Sandor needed a reward for dealing with my sad state of affairs and purchased him some garlic roasted bread. I also meant to get him Guiness, but then got caught up finding the applesauce and forgot until I got home (he did go out and get some afterwards because he was so excited that he could buy it on the household card - we run a strict ship here in credit card pay-off land).

Third sign - when I reached in the fridge to put away the groceries I actually felt what I vaugely remembered as being hungry. And then, the chocolate chip cookie dough that has been sitting there since this weekend and looking totally unappetizing actually looked good. This is what I call the chocolate test. For me, there is little in the world more wonderful than chocolate - chocolate pie, chocolate cake, chocolate candy bars, chocolate chip cookies, chocolate pudding, chocoate fudge, chocoate ice get the point. If it's chocolate I love it. So, when anything that includes chocolate does not make me want to eat it I wonder what is wrong with me. When something that includes chocolate actually turns my stomach, I know I'm very sick. And when it looks good again, I know I'm back to normal.

So, I do believe that between Sandor's taking care of me, my pupsters willingness to lay around all day, Ela's superb sinus massage yesterday, and my mom's advise on what to and not to eat, I am in fact back in the land of the living. Next test - making it through an entire day of work!

1 comment:

  1. You're not all the way better until Chocolate Guiness sounds good. -Ant B
