Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dressing for the Weather

It's 28 degrees with a wind chill of 13 degrees. Not crazy cold for a better portion of the east coast, but pretty darn cold for Charleston. I rewind you to my brain as I was getting dressed this morning...wool sweater - check, wool socks - check, long underwear - check.

You may ask - why are going going out in the field on a cold day like today? And I would answer - oh, I'm not going out in the field, I'm just going to sit in my office, which generally feels like sitting outside. For some reason they haven't figured out how to work the heating and cooling system. Personally, I don't really see how it could be all that difficult, but I guess apparently it is because on a regular basis my neighbor office is like a sauna and in my office you can almost see your breath. Today when I walked into the office I was pleasantly surprised to find heat coming out of my vents - which you might think would not be surprising. But for some reason it's quite normal for air conditioning to be blowing in the winter, and then just to mix it up the heat is on in the summer. You know, got to keep us guessing on how in the world we are supposed to dress!

My favorite part is that they did an 'energy audit' and one of the recommendations was for staff to 'dress for the weather'. Interesting - last time I checked long underwear were not a common item of need in sunny South Carolina, more of something,'d buy if you were CLIMBING A MOUNTAIN! Oh wait, that is why I own them. Right, so it makes sense that I'm supposed to dress in wool sweaters and long underwear while my office neighbor should dress in short sleeves and February. Makes TOTAL sense. Here is a few recommendations - find someone who knows how to run a heating and cooling system, don't run air conditioning in the winter, and don't run heat in the summer.

Ok - well I need to get back to reading e-mails so that I can put my hands in my pockets and warm them up. Happy Wednesday! (LOST is on tonight, which significantly improves my mood).

1 comment:

  1. You and I both know it's all about wind direction. There is no compensation in individual offices if you happen to be on the "bad" side that day.

    I only have my heater on low today and two layers of tops.
