Friday, July 17, 2009

La Semana Pasada

Ugh, this week! I don't know what it was about this week, but I was not a fan and I'm glad it is past. Granted I have Saturday left, which includes a 12 mile run and a full day of work to get some extra hours in before going to Panama, but at least the work week is done, so I've got something going for me. I pretty much felt like I was running in place all week - I can't list very much at all that I got accomplished, and yet I know there are about 18 random sheets of paper with things like 'send FSB announcement to listserve', 'practice Spanish', call Ruth', 'write check for... you get the picture. All the million things that didn't get done, and at some oint need to get done. Compounding the frustrations was the fact that the cubicle installers didn't do my electricity right and so I had to set my computer up so I could slide my cord around to the other side of the cubicle, the phones were not working until about noon today and I found out at 3:30 that if you call my phone and I miss it, it goes to some random person's voicemail, whom I do not know (even though you are calling my number because that is whey they dialed), I still have boxes everywhere and can't find random things like envelopes and sharpies so I need to find someone else that has them, the whole not seeing Maia thing is WAY worse than I thought, and Louie's chocolate bowl bottomed out WAY faster in the Marshlands house than in the Admin building (this, by the way, is going to be a big problem - we are considering putting a wildlife camera on it so that it takes a picture everytime someone walks in and takes a piece of candy). And that is just the frustrations at work, I won't even launch into home. So, I'm going to go do my bible study and head to bed because whether I like it or not I need to fit a dozen miles and 8 hours of work into the next 24 before the week is REALLY past!

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