Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ACE Basin Hostel

Well, today is the last day of the ACE Basin hostel, which is what we affectionately call my office as it has transformed from a one person office, to a three person office. When you have three people in any given space originally intended for one you tend to have space limitations. Thankfully I love the two people with whom I'm sharing the space, but it is space limited none the less. Usually at any given point in the day someone has someone visiting, or someone is on a call, or someone gets an e-mail that is funny and reads to to the others, or someone had something happen that morning and comes in late which restarts the normal morning talk all over, or someone is hanging out on the couch, or someone walks by and mentions the fact that there are so many people in the office, or someone asks directions to somewhere because we are at the end of a get the picture. In essence, there is not a whole lot of productive work going on. And so while I am very excited to have my little cubicle space in which I can actually get a good day's worth of work taken care of, I will miss the coziness of the ACE Basin hostel. And I will miss our view of the harbor, which I can honestly say I never did come to take for granted. And I will miss having Maia downstairs and being able to run down to tell her something funny. And I will miss the afternoon chocolate breaks which generally ended up happening here because there were so many of us already here. Ok, I'm going to stop now or I'm really going to cry.

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