Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Zippidy Zoo Da

I have no idea how to spell that, but if you've seen 'Song of the South' or were even paying attention to life when you were younger you'll know what I'm know with the blue bird on my shoulder. It's more or less a way for me to convince myself that today was fun :) It began rather harmless with me actually getting up on time, but then falling asleep on the couch, yet waking up with just enough time to get to work (I don't think I've really caught up on sleep from the weekend binge of visiting people and not sleeping much). Work wasn't too bad, but still rather crazy when attempting to handle 4 projects that all are due within a week of each other.

The fun began about 10 minutes before I left work when I realized that I didn't know where my phone was. This is a bit of a problem for me since I have very few people's phone numbers written anywhere, and only Sandor and my parent's memorized. But I thought positively and determined that perhaps I left it at home when I went back to grab lunch. So, after finishing a few things up I headed home to find that in fact my phone was not in my house. I also came home to find that my cat seemed to be attempting to pee all over the house. This is not a normal occurrence, but a disturbing one unless you like the smell of cat pee. Of course my vet was closed at that point and it has to be pretty bad for me to head to an emergency vet, so I figured I would start calling some of the other vets in the area to find out if they had extended hours. Turns out the vet I used to go to when I lived in West Ashley did and they could fit me in, so instead of having a nice relaxing evening at home (the first of those in about 2 weeks) I chased the cat into the cat box and headed across town.

Upon entering the car, I did find my phone which was a step in the right direction. And $146 later I found out that Mishu has a UTI and I need to give her antibiotics for the next 10 days - that should be pretty entertaining seeing as how I still have marks on my legs from her claws when I tried to give her flea meds a few months ago and didn't position her so she could bolt without scratching me in the process. I then found out once I got home that my parent's cat died, which is sad, but she lived a long life so it's ok. And now I'm trying to pay bills without sinking into the very real feeling of 'are we EVER going to get out of debt?'. Oh well, at least we can pay our bills without going into more debt, which at this point is something a lot of people are not able to say.

So, I will end today on a good note (and with a blue bird on my shoulder) purely because I feel it would be a waste of a day to end it badly. After all, I still have all my phone numbers and my grandfather's surgery went well...well enough anyway. A good mood or a bad one is all a choice after all...


  1. It is a choice and I am glad I taught you that. I love you and am proud of the woman you are. Love MOM

  2. You totally left out the part about us going up to Waterfront park and strolling along the river - THAT was pretty fun! :)
