Sunday, October 5, 2008

Funny Things in Random Places

I am generally not a huge fan of 'King of the Hill' but Sandor watches it every Sunday (in addition to all the other cartoons on Sunday evenings). As I was sitting here tonight checking e-mail I did hear a pretty funny quote however regarding carbon credits. 'It's for people who care about the environment but don't care enough to do anything about it.' It's kinda been my whole view of carbon credits as well. Not that they are not useful, but generally you don't see people using them in addition to actual changes to impact their carbon imprint. You see people use them as 'the way' they deal with their carbon imprint. There is now an entire episode about making their own carbon offsets by planting trees on a random plot of land. So there you go, you can find entertainment anywhere!

And as I was trying to find the exact quote I found the clip of the Saturday Night Live skit on the VP debate. I heard it was pretty good, but man, it's incredible! If you watched the debate you will be laughing out loud. Tina Fey could literally pass as Sarah Palin and the guy who did Biden's description of Scranton is awesome. They also did a great job of making fun of the fact the moderator wrote a book on Obama. Ah, sometimes Saturday Night Live comes back to it's glory days of actual humor.

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