Monday, August 25, 2008

Always Wear Clean Underwear

Maia always yells at me because I let my car go the whole way to the point where the 'low fuel' light comes on before I get gas. I pretty much figure it's a pain in the butt to stop and get gas, so I may as well ride it out as long as I can before I do. Thankfully I drive a car that gets good gas mileage, so even when my light does go on I've got 35 more miles before my last gallon of gas is gone. And since I work less than 5 miles from my house it's not that big of a deal to go to work still even after the light has been on. Most of the time I've got to drive across town to go to church or for coffee with Andrea so on those trips I'll stop and fill up and we'll be back on our way. This week, however, things didn't work out like that.

Yesterday, Brandy, Sandor and I went over to Sonic to get some lunch (and Brandy the largest cherry coke ever on the face of the earth) before she headed back to NC. As we are sitting there in the pleasant air conditioning eating our lunch my car starts sputtering. I wonder what is happening for about a half second before I realize that the low fuel light has been on since Monday...opps. I had training in Columbia on Wednesday and Thursday so I took the state car home which meant that I didn't drive my car across town that week. And then once I got back all I was doing was quick trips to the store to grab things I forgot when cooking and so I never wanted to stop for gas. Needless to say, my car had run out and we were literally running on fumes.

Thankfully, the gas station was a mere 2 blocks away, so Brandy and I finished eating, grabbed my purse and headed over to buy ourselves a little one gallon tank and fill it up.

Then back to the Saturn we went to transfer the one gallon into the poor car.

The best part of the story, however, can be seen in that last picture. What in world was I wearing, you may ask. Yes, that's a very good question. When we left the house I didn't change out of my pajamas because I had to go lifeguard at a church picnic and I didn't feel like putting my swim suit on just to sit at Sonic for a half hour. So me, in all my wisdom figures that I'll just go eat with Brandy and then when we drop her back off to get her car I'll go in and change into my swim suit and be on my way. Remember how your mom used to always tell you to wear clean underwear because you never know when you are going to be in an accident (well at least mine did), well, you also should never wear your pajamas out when you don't want to walk around in them. So, I got to walk to the gas station and back in a bright yellow Special Olympics shirt with Disney cartoon character shorts.

Yes, I know I was looking might sexy! So, my lesson of the weekend...when your car tells you it's about to be out of gas, listen to it. Although I'm sure that soon enough Maia will get in my car and the low fuel light will be on. Habits are a hard thing to break.

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