Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Well, the couponing isn't going well this week - I'm having a problem with adding time into my schedule, but I will not give up so easily, I will regroup and continue...just as soon as I get back from a 2 day work trip to Savannah. I will say however that Google Reader may have just given me a bit of an easier way to deal with priorities on the Southern Saver site - you can star blog posts just like I star e-mails in my g-mail that I need to do something with. It's brilliant. So I can slide through, star the ones that I need to look at later and thus don't feel like I need to have an extended period of time to look at the site in case I forget what I needed to do and can't find it again...something that is happening a bit more often recently :) Way to go Google.

While I'm on priorities, I will note a little priority check God gave me today. As I was leaving work, thinking about all the things that I didn't get done today and annoyed with all I needed to do tonight, I was more or less hit in the face with a 2 by 4. The 2 by 4 was a cool breeze and this view:

Suddenly the day didn't seem all that bad.

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