Monday, January 12, 2009

Checking In

It's been a busy week already, but I figured I would check in with a quick synopsis of the weekend:

Things I hate:
- cleaning the house (specifically when dust is involved, which leads to mass allergy attacks)
- doing dishes

Thing I love:
- fresh made bread! (I made my first loaf this weekend)
- venison chili
Yep, that pretty much sums it up.


  1. I thought you had a new dishwasher! Pls esplain why no use....

  2. Congrats on your first loaf! It's beautiful!!!! -Ant B (anxiously awaiting Friday when I will hear about court and loan all in the same fell swoop) (oh no, now I have to look up fell swoop to see if (a) I spelled it right, and (b) where in the world it came from)
