Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The Aftermath

So, the reason I work so much unpaid overtime is because it pays off. Take for instance my meetings today. I stayed up working until 10 last night and then got back up to be in at work at 7:30 this morning. I got everything organized and prepped for the meeting, and as I was finishing up the last of my data checking, I asked Anna to make some copies for me. She came back with my copies and a folder, so we had all my stuff organized in a folder, where I could say 'so the first page on the left hand side is such and such, and that relates to the third page on the right side... I won't bore you with the details because there are few freaks in life that actually enjoy goals and objectives and outcomes and performance measures (I sadly being one of them...well let me qualify that, I enjoy them to a point). But suffice to say I had all my ducks in a row and the evaluation contractor was impressed. I was so excited about how it went that instead of going to my other meeting, which I had missed the portion that I really wanted to go to anyway, I took a nice long lunch trip with Maia, shared a leisurely lunch in the conference room and then headed back in to my office to answer e-mails, eat chocolate with Anna and Phil, and attempt to continue dealing with this week. All in all it was actually a very productive and successful day.

And, I left at 5:00, came home, got dinner started to simmer, played some fetch with the dog, and am now sitting down to work on my quilt until the soup is ready. Superb day indeed!

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