Monday, March 17, 2008

Social Butterflies

Sandor and I were quite the little social butterflies this weekend. Saturday we headed to church for the Eggstravaganza at which we helped with egg painting, egg hunting, egg relays - all things egg! It was quite entertaining, and being that the weather was beautiful this weekend, it was quite a nice day to spend outside. On Sunday we headed up to Columbia to attend Griffin's 2nd birthday party a-la-zoo style. The Griffin man was quite entertained by the entire experience, although he seemed to be a bit confused by the whole animals hanging out with people thing. My favorite animals of the day were the giraffe and the meerkats. I have been to the zoo a few times, but never realized they had meerkats - man those little guys are hilarious. I loved this one who was literally sitting in the sun and hanging out.

You could feed the giraffes, which was entertaining for us adults - Griffin however, was not amused.
Not until Dad helped him by moving him a little further bad from the large giraffe head :)

After our trip to the zoo, we then headed to Caleb and Michelle's for a St. Patrick's Day celebration of sorts. As always is the case at their house, while everyone else smoked and grilled, I played with the kids. We had a grand time swinging on the swingset - have you ever tried to swing 3 kids while swinging yourself? It is actually quite entertaining. At one point I decided my hips really did not fit in the swing although I had tried for about an hour to pretend that I wasn't cutting the blood off to my feet - so we moved over to the chairs and the kids took turns showing me pieces of dirt and grass while I commented on how interesting each piece was. When the one little boy decided to bring Caleb a piece of dog poop we stopped that game. Notice I was not brought the dog poop - while I definitely appreciated. After a lovely dinner of brats we headed in to watch a bit of Dora the Explorer before the went to bed - all in all a very calm evening. Apparently I have been deemed the kid whisperer.

So now back to work - at least I got my weekend in the sun!


  1. You're it, Becky!
