Friday, March 7, 2008

My Alarm Clock

I am not fond of waking up. I am in fact a morning person and am far more efficient in the mornings, but the actual act of waking up is really not my thing. I'd rather just lounge around in bed. When Kaylinn was a puppy I would drag myself out of bed before the alarm went off because she was awake and let her out and then come back in and lay on the couch while she played in the living room. Now that she is older she will generally sleep until we get up, which is very thoughful of her.

She does, however, get up with whoever is the first person awake and now that Sandor leaves for work before me she is awake with him instead. What this means is when Sandor brings her back in she comes running down the hall, leaps onto the bed, and paws at my head to let me know it's time to wake up. Generally I can convince her to at least lay still on the bed while I sleep a bit longer, but she is most definitely not asleep. And so on those days when the kitten decides she is also not tired there is a constant battle between the dog that is ready to play with the cat and me who doesn't want to hear them (or feel them running over top of me). Generally after a bit I give up and get out of bed, but it doesn't make it any nicer to wake up to Kaylinn and Leia "playing". So, this morning I taped their playing experience. This was towards the end when I was a) awake and out of bed and b) alert enough to go get the camera, but you can get the gist of it. It's a little dark, but the sound is pretty much the same. Oh and don't feel bad for Leia, she instigates the whole thing!

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