Sunday, March 9, 2008

Attempting Exercise

Perhaps I overdosed on exercise in my younger years, perhaps I have overdosed on focused effort at work leaving none for other areas of life, perhaps I am just lazy, but let me tell you, for some reason me and exercise just don't get along anymore. I mean come on, I ran cross country and track for 4 years in high school, swam for 12 years including in college, ran 5 years worth of the bridge run, the Chicago marathon a few years ago and the Kiawah half-marathon recently, and climbed Rainier. You would think that exercise is not that big of a deal in my life...but you would be wrong. I just have lost the discipline to deal with it.

So, in my attempt to restart some semblance of an exercise regime Brandy and I have decided to run a 9 mile race at Biltmore this summer. Perhaps a goal can refocus my self control, we'll see. Yesterday, Brandy and I went for a walk with the pups before I left their house, and due to a lost Dudley situation we ended up with a 2 1/2 hour walk instead of the 45 minute walk intended (as a side note, the Dudley dog is safe at home). So, I figured I should build on this effort and decided to do a little exercise ball and weights today. First let me say - wow, my stomach is pathetic. When I was swimming, I used to have to do 100's (I'm not kidding, triple digits people) of crunches and on the order of 50-60 push ups daily. Now, I'm having issues with 2 sets of 12. But we'll work up to it...I hope.

Second let me say - do not attempt floor exercises with a dog in the room. Kaylinn felt that me laying on the floor clearly meant she was supposed to lick my face and climb on my head. At the same time Leia decided that the unfolded poster of exercise ball exercises was a living animal that needed to be attacked. So while attempting to do sit ups and leg lifts and pelvic tilts, I had the dog attacking my head and the cat attacking that paper that was giving me directions on what to do next. It was an entertaining experience to say the least.

But, I did in fact finish, which means 2 days in a row with some sort of exercising. Go me! Now to see if I keep the momentum going during the work week...I can't promise anything, but I will hopefully at least earn an E for Effort.

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