Sunday, December 20, 2009

Delicious Christmasness

Today began Christmas cookie making. If you've never seen my mom making Christmas cookies you can't imagine the psycho-ness that led to my ability to do this. Whirligiggs are one of my favorite Christmas cookies out there and after watching the process a few years now Sandor decided to capture it for you...

mix, roll out the peanut butter dough and spread on the chocolate

roll it up

move it into the fridge with the famous Whirligigg arm move

cut and bake...and there you go
Nothing much beats cookies that look this simple, but are this hard to make...not to mention they look pretty...and taste delicious! Mmmm...the attempt to not eat my weight in chocolate may have just been lost :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll be swinging by Marshland's tomorrow am for a half dozen. Please don't tell my wife.
