Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The Week Has Begun

Well, VBS week is upon us. It started out pretty well. There were a few glitches, like people not showing up and such (I mean really, I just don't get why you would not show up when you know there are 5-10 kids who you are supposed to be in charge of, I mean do you think those kids just disappear when you decide not to come?), but all in all the evening went beautifully. Now I just need the sore throat that I woke up with to go away - things that don't help a sore throat are anything having to do with reining in kids!

The Kaylinn pup is at doggie day care today. She may or may not be happy about that, but I just couldn't stand for her to have another entire day at home alone. Since I have to work until 5 and then go to church shortly after and not get home until 9:30 or 10 it just seems too mean to leave her there all week. So...doggie day care it is this week. We shall see how she does!

One of the funny stories from last night while I was up with the preschoolers - they were learning about when the angel helped Peter out of jail in Acts and so the preschoolers were playing a game of Duck, Duck, Goose - except you said Peter instead of Duck and Angel instead of Goose, when you picked your angel they walked you around the circle to help you escape jail. Makes sense, right? The one little boy goes walking around the circle saying Peter, Peter, Peter, Peter...Duck. Apparently neither Angel nor Goose was the appropriate name for the person he wanted to pick. I also had one of them insist on making a fish face when we took his picture for the card they get at the end of the week. I guess he determined that if we were on the High Seas (the theme this year) then he was a fish - and he was very determined about it. Ahhh, preschoolers are something else.

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