Friday, November 6, 2009

Raspberries in my Chocolate

Many people do not like airplane travel - personally I don't have an issue with it. In my life it forces me to slow down and do the stuff that I don't get around to otherwise because there are 18 other things that are calling for my attention. So, I can just sit and read a book, or look through those recipes in Eating Well I've been wanting to look at, or in the case of today, I can finally get around to posting Brandy and my new addition to blog-land! Yes, it is true the Walker sisters have made a blog. Whenever we get together we'll add posts, so don't be surprised if there are large lulls in activity, because in the world of blogging we are one person...JoLynn (our middle names for those who don't know), and thus we can only write when together! The blog is going to be a review of sorts, with our own twist on the stars in the rating system...and so without further ado I present I Thank God for the Raspberries in my Chocolate. Remember to start at the bottom...

1 comment:

  1. "Many people do not like airplane travel - personally I don't have an issue with it. In my life it forces me to slow down and do the stuff that I don't get around to otherwise because there are 18 other things that are calling for my attention."

    Exactly how I feel. Air travel is for me a few hours outside of normal life. Can't wait to read the new blog.
