Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Not What it Used to Be

My brain is definitely not what it used to be. I've always been a list writing (we've had a post about it before in fact), and much of the reason is because it helps me organize the things I need to get done. I've never really been a list writer because it helps me remember the things I need to get done...until this year. I've noticed more and more that my lists are reminders in addition to organizers. The problem is apparently my brain is getting worse and worse at remembering things. For instance just now I walked down the steps to take Kaylinn out before bed. I thought of something I needed to write on my list of things to do tomorrow, and on the way back up the steps I had forgotten it. Seriously. That is pathetic. I'm going to bed, maybe sleep will help me remember it.

1 comment:

  1. There are lots of names for the problem you write about. I won't name them here. Welcome to middle age (and beyond).....
