Friday, July 4, 2008

Some "Stay-cation" Highlights

Seeing as how I'm just now downloading all the pictures from the past month, I figured I would throw some cute ones from my 'stay-cation' as Jason termed it. Well, the stay-cation did turn into a vacation when we drove up to Pennsylvania, but for the most part is was a nice relaxing down-time at home.

did a little tomato sauce canning - we had some last night, and it actually turned out tasty!

hung out with Ms. Emily at the pool - actually Andrea and I hung out in the pool, Emily found things to eat, like trash and the pool chairs

headed to Pennsylvania with 3 people and 2 dogs - yep Brandy got the sweet spot in the back

actually this wasn't from my vacation week - this was from this week, but I thought it was cool - we went down to Botany Bay to do shell counts before they are all gone (the DNR board decided not to make it a no-shelling beach) and the sunflowers were in full bloom

1 comment:

  1. I wish I got to go to Botany Bay and call it work ;)... oh and Happy 4th and congrats to Sandor ..I decided to just keep things simple and say it all here!
