Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Lost in the Woods

As I mentioned I'm in Savannah for a conference this week. Kim and I were very good and got up Tuesday morning to take a run before talks started. We ran through the historic area which was great, but today weren't really feeling doing the same run. So, instead we decided to head out to a state park on Skidaway Island since we had a huge 3 hour break in the middle of the day (I'm not used to conferences that give you more than 5 seconds to breathe). So, we jumped in the state car and headed 20 minutes south to Skidaway. We decided to grab some snacks and gatorade at the Target we saw along the way because we realized we hadn't eaten anything since breakfast and we hadn't drank any water the whole day. By the way, I REALLY hate when bottles of water cost $2 and the tap water tastes like chlorine (not kinda tastes like it, it' tastes like you are drinking from a pool).

When we get to the park we find out much to our delight that Wednesdays just so happen to be free entrance day (go us!). The map informed us that there was one trail that was 3 miles, and a second trail that was 1 mile. Feeling motivated we choose the 3 mile trail and head on out for a little run. The trail was nice, we saw a deer, some skinks, a cool red headed woodpecker (which happens to be about the only bird I can identify thanks to it's very obvious red head), went up in the observation tower, saw some historic spots that they had marked out and made our way very easily back to where we started. We then noticed a sign that took you over to the other trail, so we figured, what's one more mile, let's go for it. So we decided to stop the running, and instead just take a nice leisurely stroll over to the next trail and around that loop. We walked over to the next trail, which was pretty cool because the path between the two trails took you through very different areas of the maritime forest (yes, I'm a scientist, shut-up, I don't even know what to call it if I don't call it a maritime forest), so we saw different types of plant communities which is cool in a short walk, and came eventually too the marker for the other trail.

And this is where the trouble began. We start down this trail. The other trail was very well marked so we figure this will be the same. We come to a sign, I notice the trail to the right, I notice what may be a trail to the left, but it's not very obvious, so I figure the one to the right is the real trail and the one to the left is probably a little side trail thing. We continue to the right. Not too long after we start discussing how we feel like we are walking in a circle. Figuring I'm just getting thrown off by everything looking more or less the same we keep going...only to find out we were in fact walking in a circle and have come back to the trail marker we started at on this trail. So, I realize the not as obvious trail to the left must have been the one we wanted and figure we'll be fine from there - no reason to walk back the mile to the other trail when we can just walk a half mile back to the parking area on this trail. So we go back on the trail we were just on and make a left where we made a right before.

We're walking, and we come to a sign that shows the exit is to the we go to the right. We're walking, walking, walking. We come to another sign. Now at this point I'm a bit concerned. There was that sign that said exit, but now this sign has no such promise. Plus, from where we are I can't really tell if the right or the left would take us to our intended destination. We figure we should go left because of the way we think we are walking around the loop, so we turn left. We're walking, walking, walking, and start discussing the fact that we are possibly never going to get out of this park, and come to another sign. Now we are totally confused. We don't understand why a loop has so many splits and so many signs and so many not exit signs. So we pick a way and go with it. Shortly thereafter, we of course arrive back at a previously visited location, turn around and choose the other way, and continue moving. We then arrive at another previously visited location. So, we turn around take the second to last opposite direction turn and get ourselves into a new portion of the "loop".

Now you are probably thinking. You two are idiots, why can't you find your way around the 1/2 mile loop. Well, the next time you are in Skidaway you go for it - it's not as easy as you may think! Kim and I are quite good at walking in woods, and have quite good sense of direction. In fact I've determined trying to follow signs was our downfall.

So, we're discussing the fact that while we like the woods it would be great to see some impervious surfaces seeing as how we've got a conference to get back to. We eventually come to a little bridge that is looking promising, continue walking, and low and behold, have FINALLY returned to the parking lot. A quick hop, skip and a jump down the road and we gladly return to our car 2 HOURS after we left it. Yes people, 2 hours. Thank God for the Gatorade, and the fact that we parked in the shade so the Gatorade wasn't disgustingly hot.

Well at this point we still haven't had lunch, we're 20 minutes south of Savannah, all gross and sweaty, and the talk start in 30 minutes. We called Maia to tell her our story, she finds us a pizza place called Spanky's (yeah, we were thinking it would be a good's was more of a weird weird), we eat ourselves some pizza, take a quick shower, and catch the last talk of the day.

Quite an adventure...and all in the span of lunch!

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