Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What a Day

Last weekend Sandor and I headed to Brandy and John's house to help Brandy with Special Olympics. This is the second year she is in charge of the games for her county. Last year, with no training for what she was supposed to do, having things dropped in her lap last minute, and people not at all helpful, we had a few moments that she was ready to call the whole thing off. I counseled her that no one except her and I REALLY knew how bad it was and so she just needed to keep going with the flow and it would turn out ok in the end. Which it did, but she learned a lot and used all that to her advantage this year. Things went beautifully. God hooked us up with the weather (it was supposed to rain all day Friday..then drizzle until 9...then rain only Thursday night), her planning was incredible, the volunteers were awesome, and the kids as cute as could be. Since Sandor took pictures on her camera I don't have any to offer up from this year, but I have a few from last year that I took before the bottom fell out and I needed to do CPR to the running events region (it was in shambles and so far behind it was slowing everything else down, so Brandy sent me over to do some organizing magic). This year we had a separate camera person because we realized there was no way she or I would be able to wander around taking pictures. With all her exceptional planning (those Walker genes are good stuff) she did this year get to actual walk around, see kids and talk to people, so it was a success!

lighting the flame

Brandy helping kids say the oath

some cuties on the field

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