Monday, May 5, 2008

Weekend Injuries

Apparently I have become more injury prone in my old age of 30. While the tendinitis is feeling better it is still not gone. Thankfully one of the women at my office happened to have a right hand wrist brace which she brought to me on Saturday for the all day DNR open house. That ladies and gents was a life saver. I can actually move my fingers now without my arm hurting! Yes, I am easily contented. Anyway, during said open house I somehow managed to give myself a paper cut underneath my fingernail while separating paper plates at the food tent (handing otu food was my assigned job for the day - really quite fun since it keeps you busy and this year the food tent was on the point overlooking the harbor with a wonderful breeze). I also smashed my finger in a chair while setting up. Then yesterday, my friend Nicole, Sandor and I went strawberry picking where I was bit on the finger three times by my nemesis, the fire ant. And THEN, when Nicole and I were making strawberry jam last night (more excellent pictures of that to come) and I burned my finger quite intensely while pouring steaming hot jam into a jar. Problem being you can't really get you burned finger out of the hot steam region when canning, because the only other job is screwing the tops on the jars which I was unable to do because of previously aforementioned wrist issues. The delicious strawberry jam, however, was well worth the pain!

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