Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The South

We interrupt this regularly scheduled programming (i.e. the picture a day...or a week...don't judge me) for this important message. I was provided tonight of yet 2 more reasons to love the South and therefore I decided to share with you...

Why I love the South:
1. Sweet tea (no seriously, I would live here possibly just for this)
2. Shrimp and grits
3. The fact I wore short sleeve shirts last week (this week not so much, but whatever)
4. Southern accents (honestly, moving up on my list of favorite accents ever)
5. The use of y'all - specifically in the phrase 'hush, y'all'
6. The fact that it's totally acceptable to climb in the back of a pick up truck and say 'stop when you see anything that's alive so we can shoot it'
7. The fact that it's totally acceptable to answer the statement 'I can't believe we didn't see anything' with 'I told you about that heron but nobody wanted to kill it'

In some ways I'm glad we didn't see anything since they told the three of us without guns when we asked if they wanted to switch sides as they were looking out for things on our side of the truck, 'oh, we'll tell you when to duck'. Riiiiiight :)


  1. Sounds like a good time is being had by all. :-)

  2. Uh huh...lemme guess. This "hunting" trip was at night, there was a big light on top of the truck and what they didn't tell you was that they were going to hand you the gun if DNR showed up... :)

    PS - Sweet tea and shrimp and grits .... sounds like you really are a southern girl now

  3. Thats my little girl..........
