Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go

Well, I'm back from Panama. It was incredible in every aspect. I need to figure out how to combine my thoughts into some kind of description before I'm going to be able to do it justice in a real post, so until then I'll leave you with these thoughts to sum up the physical experience...

1) When we got back to the mainland and I was getting ready to head out for dinner, I had to think twice as I went to put a roll of toilet paper in my purse.

2) Yesterday, the alarm didn't go off so the 3 girls in my room were woken up by someone calling to ask where we were as everything and everyone was packed and ready to go to the airport. Needless to say, 2 minutes later we were downstairs having thrown everything we could find that was ours into our bags and running downstairs. What made this entire thing funnier was that we were covered from head to toe with scabes and lice medicine, which we had to sleep in and could not take the time to shower off, and therefore we washed our hair in the bathroom sinks at the Panama City airport, and washed our bodies with baby wipes in the stalls. What it more telling about this story is that I actually felt extremely clean...which sums up how clean I felt for the 9 days prior.

It's definitely wierd to be back in the office today and doing normal things. I wonder when the haze will lift?

1 comment:

  1. Welcome home! Sounds like a rough trip from start to finish. I look forward to hearing about it.
