Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Another Weekend Gone

My parents and Nikole came down this weekend, which always throws me off my game for a few days because I'm always melancholy about them leaving. We had a great weekend, complete with a trip to the beach (although it was SUPER windy so we didn't get to stay too long), a house fixing project for my dad (the cats are no longer wandering through the interior of our house through the hole in the wall that was cut out to fix some plumbing), a facial and then a house project for my mom and I (a new set of beautiful plants and herbs for the porch), dinner with Sandor's parents and a random trip (this time to a pottery store for a charity soup eating afternoon). Yes, that is a relaxing weekend for the Walkers. We even had time to watch 2 different movies - one of which was 'The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly' which I had never seen for some reason. Alas, I am now back at work, being semi-productive (not all that much seeing as how I'm taking a break to blog). I didn't take very many pictures but I did take a few...

this is Kaylinn giving the 'please, you don't really have to give me a bath' look after returning covered in salt water and sand from the beach

these are our soup bowls from the pottery store - you picket out a bowl and then got as much of the soup as you wanted and all the proceeds went to the Hollings Cancer Center. AND then you got to keep your bowl!

This is Kaylinn this morning. It has nothing to do with this weekend, but she cracked me up laying there like that.

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