Monday, July 14, 2008

A little patience goes a long way

As they say, patience is a virtue. We really wanted to buy a digital SLR camera with our tax refund, but we decided instead to pay down some credit cards. Then we really wanted to buy it with our stimulus check but instead we paid off some medical bills. Both times, however, we put a bit in savings so that eventually we would build up our savings to be able to buy said SLR. I figured it was at least 6 months off, most likely up to either Christmas or the next tax refund. HOWEVER, last week I saw that Costco had a deal on the Nikon D40. I originally thought we'd get a Canon because I have a Canon film SLR and so I thought we could just buy the camera body and use the old lens. This deal, however, was the Nikon body, the normal lens, a zoom lens AND a 2 gig memory card - all for cheaper than the Canon body alone. Needless to say we were really happy we had waited and watched the deals - and we are even happier that we are now the proud owners of an awesome camera! We broke out the tripod my dad got me when my parents bought me the film SLR and Sandor is at present wandering around taking pictures of everything with different shutter speeds and different apertures and different lenses. It's great fun!

1 comment:

  1. Most envious, but respectful of your financial discipline.
