Saturday, April 19, 2008

It's a Beautiful Morning

The Kaylinn pup and I headed to the beach this morning for a little stroll. I always keep her on the leash at first because technically you aren't supposed to have dogs off their leash, but in my opinion that's like taking a kid to a candy store and telling them to close their eyes. There are just so many seagulls to chase, and waves to jump and such a huge stretch of sand to run in, it seems a little like cruel and unusual punishment in the dog world. So, I wait and see how many other dogs are running around and how many people there are without dogs and decide from there. This morning Kaylinn was in luck. Most of the people on the beach had dogs, and all the dogs were off their leash, so I left Kaylinn free, and man did she have a good time!

It was a nice little morning, and we were even home, bathed (the pup dog tends to bring home a pound of sand in her hair) and getting breakfast ready before Sandor ever woke up!

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