Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Building Solid Foundations

In case anyone was interested we decided on an organization for donations in memory of my Mom. Three years ago she went on a mission trip to Ghana with a group called Building Solid Foundations.
Anyone who spent anytime with her knows all about the trip because she had such an incredible time she talked about it for months. So, we decided that it would be a great group to direct people to for donations. You can read about them on their website, but the short of it is it was started by a couple (Grace and Seth Quartey) from Ghana who want to help improve the lives of those living in rural Ghana. They focus on access to clean drinking water (the blue part of the logo), increasing agricultural production to reduce hunger and increase employment (green part of the logo), basic primary and secondary education including supplying curriculum and computer labs (orange part of the logo that kinda looks like a book), and providing adequate healthcare and access to heath services that are not available otherwise (red cross of logo). My mom was part of the healthcare team and helped in recovery for the hundreds of surgeries they performed in the week she was there.

Donations can be sent to 963 E. Market St. York, PA 17403 and if you'd like to call and speak to the adorable Grace you can do that too - I just talked to her this morning :) Up next is Brandy and I finishing the scrapbook we were working on for my mom and writing the eulogy...those two things will probably involve a lot more tears than this one, but will also involve a lot of laughs because we were trained by the best when it comes to looking your fear in the face and laughing at it! We were all laughing in the hospital about the day my Mom got the news that she had leukemia - she looked at my Aunt Dona and said, 'well, we might as well go have a nice lunch downtown, there is nothing we can do about it right now'. And so they did.

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