Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A New Kind of Morning Run

Today I ran to work. Yep. I didn't run and then go to work, I ran TO work. I knew that at some point my morning runs needed to ramp up to a bit more than 3 miles, and today was the day. It's 4 1/2 miles to work, so away I ran. Now that we are in the Marshlands house there are actual bathrooms that I can shower and change in, so it's a doable morning exercise regime. Granted it involves a lot of planning because unlike a bike you can't carry what you need to work with you...well I guess you could, but in this heat, it's bad enough just getting yourself there, let alone something on your back. So, yesterday when I biked in I brought clothes for that day and today, as well as shower stuff for today. I was quite proud of my thinking ahead! So, we'll be on the 4 1/2 mile route for a while, and then I need to figure out an even longer morning run route...but we'll save that for when I get back from Panama.

1 comment:

  1. After a heartfelt post about the levels of stress in your life, one has to ask why you would add another layer of complexity to your daily routine. A tip of the bicycle helmet to you.....
