Tuesday, October 28, 2008

So this is what they do

I came home early today because I have 3 days of hosting training events in North Charleston and it will end up making me more efficient to just do a few hours of work from home once I get back rather than going into the office and getting caught up talking to people in the one hour left in the day. The animals were obviously very excited to see me and once I pulled out the computer and started working they went back to their own little worlds. Right now the dog and both the cats are laying on various parts of the furniture curled up in balls taking naps. So apparently this is what they do all day while I'm at working making the money that buys them food! We need to find cat and dog part time positions somewhere!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I, too, have figured out due to my astute observation skills that my dog (and Jordan's dog) like to stand when I stand, walk when I walk, jump when I jump, bark when I bark, and nap when I work. They don't even have the decency to wash the dishes while I am slaving away in front of a hot computer!!!! And the cat is worse! Though I have to admit, he at least attempts to earn his keep by hunting those pesky birds and bringing me the leftover to show his love for me. Isn't he sweet?
