Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's Official!

I have officially voted - I dropped my ballot off at the post office today and off it went! I always feel humbled when I vote knowing how blessed we are to live in a country where even voting is taken for granted. I hope that more people start seeing what a privilege we have to live in the United States, and accept the responsibilities that go along with living in our privileged country.


  1. Apparently someone hacked your blog.....there's an Obama logo in your post.

  2. YEAH!!!!!! We were worried about you... I thought there was a chance you were in the McCain camp!

  3. I voted today and I seconded your vote :)! I didn't really know who I was going to vote for this time until I pushed the button (actually it only looked like a button since it was on a touch screen)

  4. Woooo Hooooooooooo!!!! I love voting. I wish I could do it more than once. I wish I could vote every day. Oh yeah, I can, sort of. By writing to my elected officials! Yeee Haaaaa!!!! I'm proud of you! -Aunt Bee
