Sunday, May 11, 2008

Holy Hailstorm

At 5am I was woken up by the very loud sound of hail hitting the windows. It was by far the worse hailstorm I've ever seen - it probably lasted for 10-15 minutes and was accompanied by literal sheets of rain. When I woke up this morning, my poor flowers and herbs were beaten up. The basil, though, I think go the worse of it. Thankfully I could just keep the leaves that were knocked off him and I think he's got enough to rally back to life. They were calling for worse storms this afternoon so I decided in the best interest of all plants to bring them inside for the day - I don't think they can take another beating like that!

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1 comment:

  1. Help! My house looks like a holy hailstorm hit it on the inside and we have our social worker coming this Friday for the last part of the home study. Ack! Ben just moved out, and I'm moving things around and cleaning construction up and ohmyword. I need the B&B Whirlwind Girls. Plus, today is my opm interview from my security clearance for work, and we have to go to Pittsburgh at some point this week for DHS fingerprints for our new kids visas, and Laird won't be home until tomorrow! I will have to channel my inner B&B - YES WE CAN!!!! Fun to read about your strawberries and delicious anniv dinner - hugs! - Aunt Barbaralita
