Friday, April 23, 2010

My oh my

Today was beautiful. I didn't have to go anywhere after work, and Jason was driving us to the beautiful St. Philip's Tea Room lunch Maia, he and I enjoyed today, so I figured I would jump on the bike and ride to work. It was perfect weather - no humidity, perfect temperature, just a little breeze - it was GORGEOUS! As I neared the office I noticed a little squirrel off to my right rummaging around in the grass, most likely for something to eat. About this time I also realized that a car was coming up behind me and just about the time I thought 'oh man, that squirrel is going to get scared by that car and run in front of me', the squirrel got scared by the car and ran in front of me. Had that been the only thing it did that would have been it because I still hadn't gotten to the point in the road the squirrel was scurrying about...unfortunately then it did that stupid thing that squirrels started running back and forth, back and forth, not able to decide which side of the road was the safest. Well, I had a car directly to my left and thus I kept my bike straight as to not be plowed over myself and....well....I hit the squirrel. Yes. I hit a squirrel with my bike. It was much grosser to hit a squirrel with your bike than your car, there is much more drama to the 'bump bump' you feel as you hit it with your two wheels. Not to mention you are more or less looking right at it, as opposed to not being able to tell if it got out of the way in time.

When I passed the scene of the crime later that day there was no squirrel to be found, so we are hoping that he got away with as few internal injuries as possible. I, however, will continue to cringe every time I think of it.

You can stop laughing at me now :)


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with squirrels. Some of my earliest childhood memories are of my grandfather sitting on his front porch swing feeding squirrels with pecans he kept in his coat pocket. He even had some of them so tame he could get them to come up on the porch and eat out of his hand. My cousins and I loved to sit in the swing with him and watch and I can't see a squirrel today without thinking of him. That being said I've been fighting a war with them lately in my backyard over my bird feeder and unfortunately the squirrels are winning.

    As for your story all I've got to say is - better that squirrel than you girl :)
