Friday, August 21, 2009


The pup dog was very busy last night. We have this...well I guess I should say we HAD this toy for her that was a ball wrapped up inside rope, with a string. It sounds weird, but have you ever tried to describe dog toys? They all sound weird. Anyway, you can see said toy in the picture of Kaylinn and Dina playing tug of war with it...

Well, as it turns out Dina LOVES this toy. Not just a little, a whole lot, like as much as she loves anything...well maybe not as much as she likes drinking water (she is a little psycho about drinking water), but anyway, everytime she comes to my house she plays the whole time with that toy. This last weekend they were here, we went to the farmers market and bought her one of her own because she had ripped the handle off Kaylinn's from playing with it so much. Kaylinn, however, didn't much mind, because while she would play with it every once and a while when Dina was around or when she felt in the mood, overall it wasn't something she played with every day, and handle or no handle, she was good to go. When it comes right down to it, throwing a tennis ball is what she is all about, so if you aren't throwing it for her, she's not really down with it. And she prefers a ball without the extra weight of the rope.

Well last night she had been begging to play ball and we played for a bit, but I needed to do bills so I sat down with the laptop in front of the TV and told her ball time was over. Eventually, we noticed at one point that Kaylinn was all about the rope-ball toy. She was going to town chewing on it, very much with a mission, but what that mission was only known to her. We laughed at the fact that she randomly decided to take interest in it, and went back to watching TV. An hour or two later, Kaylinn walks up and drops a tennis ball in my lap. No joke. Apparently she decided that if we weren't going to get the ball down for her to play with she would get her own, and somehow realized there was a ball inside the rope and that she could get it out.

Needless to say we played ball with her for a while, I mean that is dedication people. If only I was as dedicated to my job as Kaylinn is to playing ball.

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