Wednesday, May 20, 2009


I have to say - I am TOTALLY lacking in self motivation recently. I'm not sure if it was my stint in jury duty that threw me off my game, the fact that the weather is flip flopping between June and April temperatures week by week, the procrastination bug due to the fact that most of what I'm working on has due dates far in the future, or just a normal dip in self motivation levels, but life is just not working for me. Hence the blog entry during the middle of the day. I know that I should get back to work, but ugh, the misery of it. Perhaps that is why I was drawn to the self control proverbs during my reading this morning...yeah yeah, 'Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self control', I get it, I'll get back to work...


  1. Get motivated!!! We've got to run!!!

  2. Perhaps "all of the above." It's okay to take a break. I promise. -Ant B
