Friday, April 18, 2008

So much food, so little time

We joined the Community Supported Agriculture program at a local farm and started getting our food last week. Every Tuesday we pick up our box of fruits and vegetables and head home to wash, cut and store them in the fridge to eat that week. Then you drop the box off at your pick-up spot and get another box the next week. It's pretty cool because you get food fresh off the farm, you support local farming, and it will likely force us to eat types of vegetables I would likely never buy in a store. The one catch is, since you are getting it fresh off the farm, you get whatever is in season - and it just so happens that just about the only thing in season right now are salad greens...lots and lots of salad greens. About 7 different types in fact. So, we have an enormous salad in the fridge. It's delicious, but even eating salads every night can't get us through that many salad greens, so we've begun handing it out for other people to enjoy. So far Brandy, Maia and Julia have enjoyed the joys of salad via our house via the Ambrose Family Farm! I think I've tasted half the lettuce options on this random poster thing I found while trying to figure out what each of them were.
Our other main in seasonal food item is strawberries. I've made us strawberry shortcake, strawberry smoothies, put strawberries on ice cream, dipped them in fudge, eaten them plain, frozen them for pancake mix, and last night attempted to make strawberry fruit roll-ups. The dehydrator worked quite well, but I couldn't find the little fruit roll-up maker addition to is so I had to just lay wax paper down on the dehydrator layers. It actually worked pretty well, although it's kinda hard to get the roll-ups off the wax paper without ripping the paper and taking it along with the fruit. I was pretty impressed by the taste of my little concoction, though. All it had was water, apples, strawberries and honey and it tastes just like the 5 dollar a box stuff you buy at the health food store. I'd say it was a success. Next up on the strawberry front will be jam - my mom is bringing me jars next weekend, but wish me luck on the actual cooking process. Welcome to strawberry central!
I'll tell you one thing, if nothing else this sure forces me to branch out of the boring cooking comfort zone!

1 comment:

  1. This salad lover thanks you very much for your kindness. Our salads have recently stepped up a's amazing how different fresh, local lettuce tastes when compared to the "store bought" stuff.

    BTW, your blog is looking very polished and professional. Nice pictures, good layout. I sense the presence of the mad Hungarian....
