Sunday, September 2, 2007

What do we have here?

For the past day we have witnessed the 'meet and greet' ritual between the pets. Mishu is still on her stand off - although she has ventured out to say hello to us a few times today rather than stay in the bedroom all day like she did yesterday (really she's acting a lot like a teenager who is pissed off at their parents). I'd say in another week she should be back to normal - normal being a relative term with her.
Kaylinn on the other hand is really rather intrigued by this new animal in her life which seems to be much less able to defend itself against her than the older, larger version in the bedroom. She has really decided she is quite in love actually. We have to keep telling her to be gentle - which I'm sure does not translate into dog, but we try anyway - and attempt to keep her from trying to carry Leia around the house. At first Leia was quite thrown off by it all, but she has realized that she can escape behind the handy gate that is put up to keep Kaylinn out of the litter box. So today's play time has been made up by Kaylinn and Leia playing with each other through the safety of the gate - it really was quite entertaining. All in all I think the two of them will become friends long before Mishu makes peace with either of them :)

Oh, and for those of you who were unsure if the little kitten could climb the fence (I being one of them), here's video proof... And a video of the two of them playing...

Oh and the wisdom teeth are healing quite nicely. I'm a little tired of my steady diet of mashed potatoes and noodle soup, but after attempting to chew small amounts of a meal last night I'll stick to my boring diet - my mouth was NOT happy about it. Stupid teeth!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice use of video and pictures in your blog. I am much impressed with the way your are implementing things. I think I need a lesson.
